Review: Buxton Fringe Concert 2017


Time for the annual visit to Buxton of this fine opera company. The concert was well attended and the performance was split into two halves which could be roughly classified as ‘heavy’ and ‘light’

The first half featured extracts from various operas by Tchaikovski, Wagner, Verdi and others. These were strikingly presented and despite the love/tragedy and serious themes these were well received.

If the Conductor, Juan Ortuno, ever spends enough time in England (Brexit permitting) then he would do well to retain his Spanish accent because along with his extravagant eyebrow movement it adds to his considerable charisma with which he charmed the audience.

The second half was where the choir could start to play and a number of pieces were acted out including a grumpy landlord (John Piper) from Les Miserables, a stunning version of Summertime from ‘Porgy and Bess’ by Laura Lenaughan but the strongest presence was from Lorna Rushton who moved around the audience and had a voice which, close up, could blow your socks off.

It is a reflection of the strength of the company that they could feature so many fine soloists, many of whom I have not mentioned, throughout the concert.

The faultless accompanist was Jonathan Ellis who has his own piano recital next Saturday in the same venue.

AMORE was a one-off performance so music lovers must wait a year for their next FRINGE show.

Brian Kirman

Saturday, 15th July 2017